Tuesday, March 19, 2013

For HAIKU HEIGHTS ~ Cacophony

temple bells clang,
cacophony waketh Him,
arise, Lord, bless us !!

overheated noise,
in silence, cacophony
of screaming thoughts !!!

For A 100 Words on a Saturday ~ I was born ...

I was born ~ to be unborn !!!

To be free from this endless cycle of births and deaths !
Who knows truly, what eternity means? To be a part of that 
infinite whole, with no beginning and no end ? Yet, we believe, 
that the soul is eternal, that it aches to be one with the Supreme
Being. It is our deepest desire to be free from this cycle and one 
way, is the path of Karma, of good action !

I was born to be a good human, do good and be free ~ unborn,
in eternal bliss.


  1. Cacophony of screaming thoughts ... u are correct, we wrote this on similar lines !!!

  2. Born to be unborn. Indeed. Nice one :)

  3. Dear Prem, Your words say it all...
    I strategically like to hang my prayers in temple bells, to be reminded of my minuscule presence in the largeness of this universe each time it chimes, and to be reminded of my deep love and desire to be touched upon by eternal grace..

    1. Moushumi.... As always, exquisitely expressed :)

  4. Hi Prema,

    Your first Haiku is exquisite.

    Ah! your poem assured me that I am not alone wondering about life and its meaning. We are co-travellers of this path.

    1. Thank you Meenakshi ! The second piece is not a poem , just a few thoughts expressed on the prompt, but yes indeed, we are co- travellers on the path of life :)

  5. Really nice Premaji! I liked the "cacophony of screaming thoughts" :)

    Please visit: http://njn-sorceress.blogspot.in/

  6. Prema - My apologies for getting here so late.
    I love the depth of meaning in your words and they're all true. Born to be unborn - what an amazing thought.

    1. Corrine ~ thank you :) its entirely my pleasure, that you 've visited and appreciated my work. Am getting hooked onto 100 Words :)))
