Sunday, December 26, 2010



Unclenched fists
Pour out to grasping hands
Charity begins....within!

Nameless ones, faceless ones
Enrich the world, with good deeds
Charity rules....!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wednesday whispers...

Today is a big day for me...I am writing a blog for the very first time! and I seem to be stuck!!!!
Where do I begin???? For an inveterate chatterbox, that is indeed something foxing, to say the least!!

well, i will begin with my morning walk. As i strolled along, i was assaulted by the overpoweringly pleasant  aroma of a meal being cooked, out in an open adjoining construction site. these poor construction labourers began their day with the basics...and then go on to a day of harsh toiling labour. Being paid a pittance, and made to live in the most pathetic conditions, they are still an unfailingly resilient lot. Perhaps it is the harsh realities of life that make them so stoic, yet the simple repast that they prepared for their nourishment, displayed none of the angst that surrounds their lives.

seems to me, there is a lesson to be learnt out there. do whatever needs to be done, in a spirit of dedication. it is qualities such as love, devotion and perfect execution that bring even the most mundane chores to life. like somebody posted on fb...there are no ordinary moments...i say, one chooses to make moments, either ordinary or exceptional!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Haikus....Self and Life....


Buried, deep beneath
The many layers of complexities
Lies the real self...

Seek the Divine...
Desire to merge ...
With the One True Self....

Who is the I?
What is the Self?
But an illusion.


Life beckons...
With the sweetness of nectar
Reach out, my friend.

Life beckons...
Out of a parched land...
A tender shoot struggles forth.... only a breath ...
Exhale, and fade into oblivion...
Death, a new beginning...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Faith moveth mountains
So spaketh the Good Word
Will it move the faithless, I wonder?

Faith and Hope
The last refuge of mankind
Struggle out of Pandora's box!

Faith is unsighted belief
In the Master of creation
No proof required

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monday Melodies........Oasis....

Come, oh weary traveller
I invite you to seek my refuge and comfort
Come, partake of me, drop your burdens...
Quench your thirst, quell your hunger!
Lay yourself down on my breast...
I hear you sighing in contentment
As you give of yourself
And surrender in my cocoon...
We synergise our desires in unison....
When its time to bid farewell
I release you in the knowledge
That one day you will return
To the oasis that I am
For, I will always be here...for you...

Sunday Sweet-nothings......On a day such as this.....

On a day such as this.....

On a day such as this...
peace and contentment reign
The hustle and bustle of homely sounds
slowly grind to a halt
We retire to the cool comfort of our sanctuary
and silence overpowers worldly chaos
Where bird song jostles for space
with the honking and hooting of vehicles
We lose ourselves in a languorous stupor
seeking out each other in languid pleasure
Eternally secure and deeply in love
on a day such as this...

Saturday Soliloquies.....

The Rhapsody of Love....

It's just you and me, my beloved
Swaying to the muted music of our hearts
Bodies rising and flowing with every crescendo
Two souls bared, nothing can contain the ecstasy within
For we are lost in a rhapsody of love
Merging in an ocean of fulfilment
As we surrender to the rythmn of bliss
We could live and die a millions deaths
In these ephemeral moments
All in a rhapsody of love...

haiku..... ( key word instinct)

In a sensual seduction
Let instincts take over
Unleash primal passions!